Saturday, November 27, 2010

Making an Effort

I'm gonna try to update this thing at the very least once a week. Maybe once a day, though I know I don't have a life capable of feeding into a good story ever twenty four hours. Whatever.
Went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I today. It was really good. Though if you didn't know the story already the murder and corpse-defilement filled ending may have been a bit much.
So yeah, that's uh..that's my day.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Should I like...keep this thing in existence?

I honest to God just put this into my address bar assuming I had deleted it. I'm hoping school will make my life pick up a little bit and give me something to post, but I mean...damn. I'm boring.
[sidenote: If people start actually reading this it'd be a good time to make the title a tad bit more optimistic]

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Really wish my life was more interesting so I could post on here more often.Maybe if I actually get the job I want this summer (STILL not sure) I'll be able to have some free time, meaning literally sitting in a lab waiting for results, where I'll end up on here. And maybe my results will even work! Fun stuff.

Saturday, March 27, 2010 an ABSTRAAACT!!!

I love this scene. It develops Lee's character so perfectly, it's beyond me why it was left out of the final cut.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


For the love of God, someone save me from this misery! It's so boring in Wakef(uckifanythinghappens)ield. All that's sustaining me is, no joke, the thought of going BACK to PC. I can't even picture how this could be fun. The only other people home are either Shlen (lol) or a girl that's so bored she's voluntarily pulling driver duty for the most obnoxious child on the planet. Wakefield is NOT fun.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lent, Day Two

Day Two without video games...and dessert...and Facebook. I don't know why I hate myself. Probably for some legitimate reason. Hopefully I last.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Raise Your Hand if You Like Valentine's Day

Everyone raising their hand sucks. As a wise young woman said to me once, "Fuck couples day". More boring and depressing than any other day this weekend by far.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Well That Was Low-Key

How in the fuck has nothing interesting happened yet on a long weekend? Coming on Day Three right now and still not a black out, drunken hook-up, or other idiotic behavior in sight for Fo Flo. Hell, the only people to fall on their ass yet are me and Vignati, and that's just because we're clumsy fucks sober.
Well, I have had SOME fun this weekend, involving surprisingly beautiful drunken serenades and a not-so-surprising drunk dial from a certain idiot whose name rhymes with shlen shlaganzini. It's kind of upsetting when drunk girls say they want to sing to you and they all actually know how to sing. It's also hilarious when drunken idiots talk about some "off-limits girl" while stumbling too much on their own stupidity/BAC to finish a sentence. And now it's Valentine's Day and we have no classes tomorrow and it's a long weekend and nothing crazy has happened yet! So clearly my plans are to...wait what the fuck I'm staying in? God damn it.
PS LIES Jr was involved in a case of statutory rape. Just thought I'd throw that in, nothing special.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm Back!

Back to my incoherent inconsequential inane ramblings- College Edition! Time for all my ridiculous college adventures to be posted to the world at large. I know I'm no Tucker Max, but stick with me, this shit could get fun.

Oh and ps I might also get around to more off topic rambling too.